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Dress Code

Students in the American Academy K-8 program are required to wear uniforms supplied by our K-8 uniform vendor, Dennis Uniform. KindiePrep students are NOT required to wear the K-8 uniform. Instead, KindiePrep students follow a KindiePrep dress code. According to the dress code, KindiePrep students are allowed to wear items from the K-8 American Academy or follow the dress code rules.

Approved Dress Code Items

  • Pants, shorts, jumpers, or skorts in navy blue.
  • Solid red, white, or navy polos
  • Sweaters or sweatshirts
  • Socks and/or tights in solid red, white, or navy
  • Closed-toe and closed-back shoes free of characters, glitter, gems and lights
  • No boots, sandals, Crocs, or flip-flops
The above dress code items may be purchased from any vendor. Please note that this non-uniform dress code applies to KindiePrep only – the dress code is not acceptable for American Academy’s K-8 program. KindiePrep students must adhere to all other guidelines in the American Academy Student Uniform Policy.
Students will play outdoors daily provided the temperature is above 32 degrees Fahrenheit and below 90 degrees Fahrenheit, so must be dressed appropriately each day for outdoor play. If a student is not dressed appropriately to play outdoors, parents will be contacted to bring appropriate clothing to school.